Top Benefits of a Propane Payment Plan

When you use propane to heat your home and power your appliances in Texas, then you, like all homeowners, probably dread the spike in winter bills because you use more propane during that time of the year. High winter bills can be unpredictable depending on the weather, and they can put a strain on family home comfort budgets. If you’d like to say goodbye to high winter propane bills, we have great news. At Enderby, we offer a propane budget plan to help you level out your propane bills, so they are lower and more predictable throughout the year. Check out these benefits below:


Advantages to Signing Up for Enderby’s Propane Budget Plan

The advantages of signing up for a budget plan are priceless.

  • Lock-In Your Rate:

That’s right. Sign up for our budget plan before May 1st, and we’ll lock in your propane rate for the rest of the year. You’ll pay the same price per gallon all year long.

  • Have Predictable Payments All Year Long:

The way it works is that we estimate your total usage with the predicted weather for an estimated annual usage. We divide your payments over the months of the year, and you pay one stable, predictable bill every month. You’ll never get an unwanted surprise bill when you’re on the budget plan.

  • Work Your Payments into Your Monthly Budget:

With predictable bills throughout the year, you can forget strained budgets over the cold season. You can work your low propane bill into your budget just like your other bills.


Enroll in Budget Plan with Enderby Gas Today

Contact the Enderby Gas propane delivery team today to let us know you’re interested in spreading out your propane payments. You have until May 1st to enroll in our budget plan and lock in your rate for the rest of the year. Don’t wait—give us a call today to get signed up. Our highly-trained customer service representatives will be happy to walk you through the process and answer any questions you may have.